Ok men, husband's, fathers.
Let's ring the bell!!
The bell of being honest for a minute.
Do our actions and words honor our wives and family members?
The things we say to them, how we say it.
What we say to them.
What we say about them to others?
I was far from perfect for a loooooooong time! Thankfully my wonderful wife hung in there and now we're on a building journey. Make marriage great again , lol jkjk
But seriously. It's our duty to lead our families, set the tone of the household. Set the temperature.
In our household we absolutely do not yell or throw things. Those are 2 things we have NEVER done!
Wonder why you're kids do? Wonder where they picked it up from?
So men! Change the tone in your home!!
Today is the day and yesterday doesn't matter anymore.
Apologize quickly and shift!
Wanna learn how to be a more effective husband and father?

Brother I’m really really proud of you! & what God is doing through you! Praying without ceasing